Sunday, November 18, 2012

What I'm Thankful For

I've seen so many of these floating around the internet and I am totally excited about joining in. I love reading peoples posts about the things they are thankful for and I wanted to share some of my things I'm thankful for. The above quote is one that I *tried* to stand by and I tried to thank God for every little small thing in my life. After my wreck, I was talking to my family about how I never thought to thank God for walking, being able to pee on my own or even put on my pants. Never once did any of things cross my mind until I lost them. I guess that saying really is true, "you don't know what you have until it's gone". So I am trying my hardest to be thankful for each and every little detail in my life because even though it may seem small, someone out there is praying for the opportunity to have those things I once took for granted.

I want to at least say a thing I'm thankful for for each day in November. I wanted to do this on Facebook, but I feel it is super bad to clog up my news feed.

  1. My Grandma Wanda. She is such a sweet lady. She's the reason I came to know Christ and I am so blessed to have such a sweet lady in my life.
  2. My big sister. She is my best friend and has always been there for me.
  3. My papa bear & my mum. I have the worlds greatest parents. Sometimes things are a little rocky, but I know they will always stand behind me in all that I do.
  4. My best friend forever, Shelby. She is seriously the most wonderful friend I've ever had. Even though we don't talk all the time, I know she will always be there for me.
  5. I'm thankful to have a loving and supporting group of friends and family who stand behind me 24/7. 
  6. I am thankful for this blog. This blog has been my "home" for over a year now. I can come here and rant away, say my joys and even my sadness. I love looking back at older posts and seeing how far I've came as a person.
  7.  I am thankful for my church family. I have some of the most loving and caring people in my church. They have done so much to make each day of mine a little brighter. (and I'm thankful for the ramp they built for me so I could get into my sisters house)
  8. I am thankful for being alive. My accident really made me value life and each day a lot more. 
  9. Sweet tea. <3
  10. Leggings. Pants are just too difficult to wear right now.
  11. Wheelchair gloves. The winter has my wheelchair handles getting super cold.
  12. My cat/son, Gregory. 
  13. Make-up. (because I love trying new things out)
  14. YouTube. 
  15. Netflix (and the awesome people who let me use theirs!)
  16. Sunshine. I don't want it to be winter yet. 
  17. I am thankful for the internet because I have met so many amazing friends on here. Ones who have been long time friends and friends who have helped me in my journey with my sci.
  18. My boyfriend, Kenny. This dude is such a sweet heart. He has a heart for God and he is always encouraging me with the Word. There's NOTHING more attractive then a Man Of God. (and he has a nice beard) 
  19. Long battery life on my cell phone.
  20. I'm thankful for being an aunt. It's one of the coolest things in the world and I love seeing my nieces and nephews grow up.
  21. Warm showers.
  22. Warm beds (and cuddle buddies)
  23. Pictures.
  24. Pinterest.
  25. Adoption. My sister and her husband are adopting soon. I am so excited to meet my little niece/nephew.
  26. Post-It Notes. Because I am forever forgetting something.
  27. Feet/Toe Movement and hopefully soon leg movement. Even the smallest bit of movement is exciting.
  28. Giveaways. (I love winning free stuff)
  29. Food. (and the fact that it's okay to eat a ton on Thanksgiving)
  30. My iPad/ Music. Especially the band A Day To Remember. Those boys have got me through some of the roughest parts of my life. It's so hard to explain, unless you've had a band change your life. 
These are just a few things I'm thankful for. It would get super long if I tried to list everything. Each one of you hold a special part in my heart and I have learned to be thankful for the little things. I have learned over the last five months NOT to take one single thing for granted. I hope you feel the same. God Bless.
What are you thankful for? 
Did you make a thankful list? If so, send it my way!

Link Love:

// I made a facebook page for cattails. Have you "liked" it yet?

// I still have some support buttons that I am giving away. They're FREE, but I did set up a donate button on the left if you wanna donate. Click *here* for the designs

// I am now accepting sponsors. It's free when you use the code "button swap" Wanna get your blog/business out there? Check out my sponsor page.

//My brother is starting a band. He's new and playing his first gig on the 21st. Go "like" his facebook page?

// Support my boyfriends band, Farewell From The Gallows. They just released a new CD that you can listen to and download here. (it's seven dollars or whatever you wanna give. help support!)

1 comment :

  1. LOVE your blog, really cute photos too!
    New follower, hope you can check mine out ;)


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